be you

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*sings* everyday we're juggling

Today is number…………..well, don’t even know anymore of self isolation. My heads pickled, like I’m sure it is for so many of you. Being self employed is amazing BUT when the unexpected happens, well, let’s just say this is hard. It’s been one crazy learning curve in the act of juggling life. Navigating home schooling, trying to keep my head above water paying bills and doing life that before, well, I just took for granted. NOT ANYMORE! If anything, this has taught me to be more appreciative of what I have. To thank God more for my blessings. To thank him for continuing to give me faith in all things. I am currently sitting with Florence having a break from learning about space and writing sentences. I am thankful for this time I have with her. I am thankful to have such amazing memories I can now hold dear. I am scared but I am not afraid. I am not afraid anymore. Going over everything in my head and just being thankful I can see, I can walk, I can talk ( although I know alot of you wish I didn’t, LOL ) If anything, COVID-19 has opened my eyes to the world of humanity. The help and support out there is overwhelming and I am so thankful for each and everyone of you. I am thankful for the NHS who look after Florence and the amazing team who support me whenever I need it, whenever her blood levels go crazy high or low, type1 diabetes is a head melt at the best of times, so having that 24/7 support line is EVERYTHING. (^T&&&&&&&t6 = I was going to take this out, but that was my cat BEA just walked across my laptop, lol ) YES, right now life is a little tough but I know it’s NOT FOREVER. I know this will pass and BY the grace of GOD me and my family will get through it.

Sorry for the wee rant this morning. I just wanted to let you all know I haven’t gone completely mad. I have always been a little crazy anyways, but you know, thats okay.

I hope you are all surviving the best you can in this crazy unknown world we have all been thrown into together. Remember to stay safe and stay grateful.

Much love to everyone and I cannot wait to get back to my studio and pamper you all, because you know you will have all cut your own fringes, dyed your roots too dark (oh I am scared for that!!!!!! ) If you can please do not dye your own hair. Think of the gorgeous condition your hair is in, don’t fuck that up!! Sorry mum for swearing ( love you ).

Until I see you all in person, I am sending out the biggest virtual hug EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace Out.

Lynette xx

The image at top was taken by the talented Danny from East Branding Co. It hangs in my studio in Portview.

Love Always & Always Love